Mutu ni Mutu group

  • Location: Kiriadongo refugee camp, Kampala
  • What they do: Agriculture promotion, community charity work, capacity building, and supplying loans for small businesses and others. Some major past achievements include; 1) Community development activities (sustainable agriculture, food aid to orphans and elderly people, health and hygiene training). 2) Environmental protection (energy-saving stoves, tree planting, rainwater harvesting, bricklaying).

A project that GRYN is Funding: Poultry keeping Executive Summary The majority of the youth live in an average number of six members per household and they struggle to survive on the relief food ratio provided by UN agencies. Therefore, all the family incomes are limited and oriented to first needs (food, clean water,) which in most cases makes them find hardship when it comes to school fees, health service provision, and changes in diets. As a result, most of these youth come from poor families who live in a deprived states to afford a very basic simple standard of living. Yet these youth stay together with the rest of the host community. The extreme consequence of this is that the refugee youth that needs socio-economic empowerment to earn a living, are the ones without possibilities to obtain it. The refugee youth from these poor households who succeed to be in school, and attain a better livelihood, still encounter a big challenge. This is because many of them drop out (stop) of school due to other reasons that require them to bridge financial gaps to fulfill family needs. For example, many girls stop going to school to take care of their sick parent at home or marry off (early marriages) while the case of boys considers doing some casual work to support the home. By the time such a refugee youth is free to go back to school, it is no longer possible to continue with the regular schools because the need to attain a minimum good living is overwhelming. The only options are entrepreneurs and vocational skills training. However, the cost of entrepreneurs and vocational skills training, which could be considered a middle solution between work and school, is still beyond the means of many poor families living in the refugee settlement. Lack of education, good healthcare access, and unemployment post negative consequences on the whole family. Such consequences include GBV, domestic violence, teenage pregnancy, drug abuse, violation of children’s rights in form of child labor, and mental health problems including stress, depression, and trauma. By equipping the youth with financial literacy and providing access to basic start-ups, this project aims to give a concrete possibility of social and economic empowerment to the adults of tomorrow and all their families. Therefore, in this project we request you to support us with an amount of 5000USD for these young entrepreneurs, to aid skills training majorly in poultry keeping, marketing, and financial management. We believe that in the end as the project will broaden the financial base of the group, it will help to further establish a reaction and business center, to run a literacy school for Adult learning, create a library, build a youth sports center, to run professional training, ICT training, training for CBOs, and promote community development.