Supporting work with, for, and by Refugee Youth




GRYN supports young refugees to develop their capacity to help each other, lead initiatives to respond to their

communities’ needs and avocate for the changes they feel are important for them and their communities.

Digniti Project Youth Action Fund 2023

The Digniti Project, a collaborative effort between GRYN (Global Refugee Youth Network), WRC (Women’s Refugee Commission) and NRC (Norwegian Refugee Council), jointly called the DIGNITI collective, with financial support from Innovation Norway. The project aims to empower young refugees and their host communities in Uganda to be catalysts for positive change. It is not just about providing funding, but empowering refugee youth to be co-designers, co-leaders and strong change agents in challenging humanitarian contexts.

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Конкурс заявок для Українців 2023!

Якщо ти молодий українець віком від 15 до 30 років, живеш у Молдові чи Румунії та маєш проект, який хочеш подати на підтримку своєї громади, ця можливість саме для тебе! Подавай заявку на фінансування до $5,000 доларів США. ПОДАЙ ЗАЯВКУ ЗАРАЗ!

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Networking session with the Refugee Youth Led Organizations from Jordan 

The Global Refugee Youth Network (GRYN) participated in the annual meeting of the Compact for Young People working in Humanitarian Action in October 2023. During this time, GRYN organized a networking session for Refugee Youth Led Organisations (RYLO’s) in Jordan………

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Refugee Led Organizations (RYLOS)

GRYN will support refugee youth-led initiatives, including those that are and are not formally registered with funding and capacity building related to leadership, project management, networking, advocacy, communication, research, and other skills that they identify as important to their work.