Networking session with the Refugee Youth Led Organizations from Jordan  

The commitment of Jordan youth is a jewel for their community.

The Global Refugee Youth Network (GRYN) participated in the annual meeting of the Compact for Young People working in Humanitarian Action in October 2023. During this time, GRYN organized a networking session for Refugee Youth Led Organisations (RYLO’s) in Jordan. These RYLO’s are led by exceptional youths who are helping their communities by running life-changing projects in their respective communities. These projects have all received funding from GRYN.

  • The Networking Session for RYLOS in Jordan was an exciting event to create connections and collaboration between GRYN-supported Refugee Youth-Led Organizations in the region. Its main objective was to provide a safe space for these organizations to connect, as well as share experiences during project implementation. During the session, all the participants had the opportunity to share the impactful work they have been doing within their respective communities. Through presentations and discussions, they showed their projects, initiatives, and achievements, highlighting the positive change they brought.

    We were honored to have the presence of six organizations led by young refugees and their diverse backgrounds:

    • New HorizonsNew Horizons is a RYLO which aims to create a safe space for young people, including refugees, to meet, learn, develop and work together in Jordan.
      • Youth for Peace Initiative – YPS: Youth for Peace Initiative is a youth led organization that trains individuals on Global Citizenship. YPS believes that every human being is a global citizen, therefore each has a role to play to ensure peace is maintained in the Globe. 
        • Life Savers: LIfe Savers are a group of exceptional young refugee youths who are empowering their community by equipping them with basic first aid skills that can be used during an emergency. 
          • Kidoz Times youth platform: Kidoz Times youth platform seeks to provide a safe space that achieves the active participation of male and female refugees in Jordan, to allow them to introduce themselves and build relationships within a safe society
            • Edtech Valley: Edtech Valley is passionate about education and is currently running a project that creates bags for pupils. These bags are inbuilt with tablets programmed to suit pupils’ needs.
              • Ed Autism: Ed Autism is based in Zaatari Camp and mainly focuses on autistic children by creating an app that helps parents diagnose autism in their children at an early age

            One of GRYN’s principles is Diversity and inclusiveness. We were happy to see that these RYLOs are led by individuals who represent unique and beautiful diversities such as gender and youths living with disabilities.


            The session was also intended to facilitate knowledge exchange and learning among the organizations. Participants had the chance to engage in dialogue, exchange ideas, and learn from one another’s experiences. This collaborative environment encouraged innovation and inspired new approaches to addressing the challenges faced by refugee youth. Furthermore, the networking session enabled participants to establish valuable connections and explore opportunities for collaboration, resource-sharing, and mutual support. These connections will not only enhance the impact of individual organizations but also contribute to the collective efforts towards empowering refugee youth in Jordan.

            The RYLOS youth members shared with us their questions, comments and concerns about the project, but also shared with us their experience with this Networking Session and among the comments were the words “grateful”, “inspiring” and “enriching”. For us as GRYN, the experience of connecting directly with the organizations has been extraordinary and directly visualizing the impact they are creating in their communities.

            In summary, the Networking Session for RYLOS in Jordan has served as a platform for Refugee Youth-Led Organizations to connect, share their work, and foster collaboration. We take this opportunity to thank our funders who believe in youth, and who have facilitated and fostered meaningful youth participation.


            Oricia Ngenyibungi & Rahildaris Marchena.